Police FAQs

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Police Department FAQs
How do I leave an anonymous tip?

-You may call (609) 399-0455 and leave a message on the Detective Bureau’s answering machine.

-You may e-mail Detective Sergeant Stephen Sullivan at ssullivan@ocnj.us 

How do I apply for a handicapped parking spot?

See attached for application. For more information, call the Traffic Safety Unit at 609-525-9136.

How do I drop off unused prescription drugs and medications?

Ocean City participates in Project Medicine Drop Box.

Residents can dispose of their unused medications anonymously and with no questions asked by using the drop box in the Ocean City Police Department lobby any time 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

The Police Department is at 835 Central Avenue, and the white box is labeled 'Project Medicine Box' and appears like a postal box.

How do I apply for a firearms identification card?

Go to https://www.ocnj.us/FirearmsApplicationandRegistrationSystem(FARS)

Please be sure when returning the application to mark the envelope attention: Firearms permit.

For more information contact Detective Matthew Crowley at (609) 525-9133.

How do I apply for a permit to purchase a handgun?

Go to https://www.ocnj.us/FirearmsApplicationandRegistrationSystem(FARS)

Please be sure when returning the application to mark the envelope attention: Firearms permit.

For more information contact Detective Matthew Crowley at (609) 525-9133.

When are parking meters in effect?

-Parking meters are in effect starting May 1stof each year.  They remain in effect until October 31st.

What times are parking meters in effect and what do they cost?

-There are several areas in town in which the times and cost of parking meters differ.  The cost and time of period for each meter is displayed on the meter itself.

What is the curfew?

-It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of seventeen (17) years to loiter, idle, wander, stroll or play in or remain in or be upon the public streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds, boardwalks, the approaches thereto, public places, public buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, places of business carried on for profit to which the public is invited, other public places, vacant lots or other premises, either on foot or in any vehicle, within the confines of the City. Between May 16 and September 30 of each year the curfew shall be in effect between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. From October 1 of each year to May 15 of the following year, the curfew shall be in effect between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any minor accompanied by his parent or parents, guardian or other adult person having the care or custody of such minor.

When can we ride bikes on the boardwalk?


Bicycle riding on the Ocean City Boardwalk is generally permitted all day in the off-season. It is restricted to the hours between 5 a.m. and noon between June 18 and September 1. See the complete list below for exceptions to this schedule.


The following is a list of the current Boardwalk Bicycle restrictions for 2025:

Sunday, April 20th –  EASTER                                               NO BIKES allowed

Saturday, May 10th (Spring Crusin’ The Board Car Show)    Bikes allowed 5am – 11am

Wednesday, May 14th to Friday, May 16th                              Bikes allowed 5am - 5pm

Saturday, May 17th & Sunday, May 18th                                 Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Monday, May 19th to Friday, May 23rd                                    Bikes allowed 5am - 5pm

Saturday, May 24th & Sunday May 25th                                  Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Monday, May 26th to Friday, May 30th                                    Bikes allowed 5am - 5pm

Saturday, May 31st & Sunday June 1st                                   Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Monday, June 2nd to Friday, June 6th                                      Bikes allowed 5am - 5pm

Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th                               Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Monday, June 9th to Friday, June 13th                                    Bikes allowed 5am - 5pm

Saturday, June 14th & Sunday, June 15th                               Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Monday, June 16th to Wednesday, June 18th                         Bikes allowed 5am - 5pm


Tentatively the OCHS Graduation is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17th

Thursday, June 19th to Monday, September 1st             Bikes allowed from 5am - 12pm

Thursday, August 14th (Baby Parade)                              NO BIKES allowed from 9:30am – 12pm

Saturday, September 6th (Street Rod)                              Bikes allowed 5am – 11am

Sunday, September 7th (Corvette Show)                         Bikes allowed 5am – 11am

Saturday, September 13th                                                  Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Saturday, September 20th (Jeep Invasion)                     Bikes allowed 5am – 11am

Sunday, September 21st (Half Marathon)                        NO Bikes allowed from 5am – 12pm

Saturday, September 27th                                                  Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Saturday, October 4th                                                          Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Sunday, October 5th (Roadster Rally)                              Bikes allowed 5am – 11am

Saturday, October 11th                                                       Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm

Saturday, October 18th (Porsche Reunion)                     Bikes allowed 5am – 11am

Saturday, October 25th                                                       Bikes allowed 5am - 12pm


As per the attached ordinance, the Chief of Police can prohibit bicycles at any time for certain circumstances. Examples of these circumstances include special events such as parades, shows and charitable events; boardwalk reconstruction projects or damage to boardwalk structure; merchants "sidewalk" sales.  At this time the above are the restrictions. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact City Hall Info Desk at (609) 399-6111 or Police Communications at (609)399-9111.


18-4.1    Prohibited at Certain Times.

   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, ride, sit upon, walk, coast, park, leave, stand, whether attended or unattended or otherwise operate, control or possess in any manner whatsoever a bicycle upon the boardwalk or approaches to the boardwalk during the period from May 15 to Labor Day inclusive, and Easter Sunday of any year, any Saturday between Labor Day and Indian Summer Weekend (annually held in October), other than between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (noon).

   This prohibition shall not apply to weekdays (Monday through Friday) from May 15 through the date of the graduation ceremonies of Ocean City High School (held annually in June), except said prohibition shall apply on Memorial Day as celebrated on the last Monday in May of any year. During the time period provided in this paragraph, bicycles shall be prohibited other than between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

   Notwithstanding the regulations set forth above, the Chief of Police, or his designee shall, in the interest of public safety, where unusual or extraordinary circumstances warrant, prohibit bicycles on the boardwalk at any time and, notify bicycle rental merchants not to rent bicycles for use on the boardwalk during such unusual or extraordinary circumstances. Examples of these circumstances include: severe weather conditions including high winds, lightning, heavy precipitation and flooding; special events such as parades, shows and charitable events; boardwalk reconstruction projects or damage to boardwalk structure; merchants "sidewalk" sales. In the event that said notice is issued, the boardwalk bicycle merchants shall not rent bikes for use on the boardwalk until further notice and authorization by the Chief of Police or his designee.

When can we have dogs on the beach?

October 1 through April 30, provided they are on a leash. Dogs are not permitted on the beach at any time from May 1 through Sept. 30. They are also not permitted on the beach between the Ocean City-Longport Bridge and the terminal groin (rock jetty near Seaview Road) at any time from March 15 to Sept. 30. 

When can we have dogs on the boardwalk?

-No dogs are ever permitted on the Boardwalk at any time of year.  This includes in bicycle baskets, carts, or being carried.

How do I get a copy of a police report?

-You can come into Police Headquarters or call (609)525-9161 to arrange for a copy to be faxed, e-mailed, or mailed to you.

Can I drive my truck on the beach?

The operation of motor vehicles on the beaches of the City shall only be permitted during the period from September 15th of any year to May 15th of the following year. You can use your permit to drive on the beach only for surf fishing.

During the period of time from September 15th to September 30th and May 1st through May 15th vehicles shall not be permitted on the beach between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. When authorized to be on the beaches as specified herein, vehicles shall only be permitted between Seaview Road, within one hundred (100') feet of the terminal (northernmost) stone jetty or groin; Surf Road and North Street; and 23rdStreet and 59th Street, with the following exceptions: 

a.    Vehicles shall be permitted for special occasions (such as municipally sponsored fishing tournaments for which specific permission is granted) and for providing assistance in emergencies threatening life or property.

b.      Vehicles are not permitted from March 15th through September 30th.

1.    In the area from the Longport Bridge to the terminal (northernmost) stone jetty or groin.

2.    In the area between 23rd Street  and 34th Street.

Access to the beach shall be provided at the following locations: Morningside Road; 23rd Street; 29thStreet; 34th Street; 57th Street; 59th Street. The Chief of Police, upon consultation with the Mayor, City Administrator and City Engineer, may from time to time designate other or additional locations where access to the beach shall be permitted. All such locations shall be posted with appropriate signs. It shall be unlawful for any persons to enter upon or exit the beach from any other location.

How do I get a permit to bring my vehicle on the beach to fish?

Call the office of the Chief of Police at (609)525-9100.  Please be advised there is a significant waiting list for these types of permits.

How do I get a permit to keep my Hobie Cat on the beach?

-Call the office of the Fire Department at (609) 525-9194 and request an application.

-Please be advised that there may be a significant waiting list for these types of permits.

Where is the Ocean City Municipal Court Located?

The Ocean City Municipal Court is located at 821 Central Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226.

Can I park my Recreational Vehicle (RV) on the street?

Recreational vehicles (RV) under 6000 lbs. are permitted on certain streets as outlined in City Ordinance.  Please contact the Traffic Safety Unit for clarification at (609)525-9136

Can I park my boat on the street?

Boats under 22 feet in length may be parked on City streets for up to 3 days.  Boats over 22 feet in length may never be parked on City streets.

9-1-1, What Is Your Emergency?

In case of emergency, call 9-1-1, for immediate assistance.

This is a free call, even from a pay phone. This emergency phone service is provided only for urgent situations such as burglary in progress, shootings, fires, traffic accidents with injuries, someone choking or having difficulty breathing, fighting or the display of weapons.

It is not meant to be used for routine requests for service. 
The non-emergency number is 609-399-9111 .

This may prevent someone with a genuine emergency from reaching us quickly, so please use the 9-1-1 system with care. Don't waste time, call as soon as you think help is needed, that's what we're here for and every second counts.

9-1-1 will provide access to your local emergency agencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

                                                                          Save Second's - Save Lives   

How do I Call 9-1-1 effectively?

Calling 9-1-1 is very stressful and it's easy to feel overwhelmed. 9-1-1 call-takers are trained to guide callers through the experience, but knowing what to expect can help make the 9-1-1 call go smoothly and get emergency help where and when it's needed.

Know the difference between calling 9-1-1 from a land line phone and calling 9-1-1 on a cell phone. 

Know when to call 9-1-1 . If you choose to call 9-1-1, know what to expect and how to react.

Here's How:

  • Stay calm. It's important to take a deep breath and not get excited. Any situation that requires 911 is, by definition, an emergency. The dispatcher or call-taker knows that and will try to move things along quickly, but under control.
  • Start by telling the call-taker what kind of emergency you have.
  • Wait for the call-taker to ask questions, and then answer clearly and calmly. Even though many 9-1-1 centers have enhanced capabilities - meaning they are able to see your location on the computer screen - they are still required to confirm the information. Bear with this line of questioning; you don't want the ambulance to respond to the wrong location.
  • If you are in danger of assault, the dispatcher or call-taker will still need you to answer quietly, mostly 'yes' and 'no' questions.
  • Let the call-taker guide the conversation. He or she is typing the information into a computer and may seem to be taking forever. There's a good chance, however, that emergency services are already being sent while you are still on the line.
  • In some cases, the call-taker will give you directions. Listen carefully, follow each step exactly, and ask for clarification if you don't understand.
  • Keep your eyes open. You may be asked to describe victims, suspects, vehicles, or other parts of the scene.
  • Do not hang up the call until directed to do so by the call-taker.


  1. No matter what happens - Stay Calm.
  2. Cell phones may not tell the call-taker where you are. Know the differences when calling 9-1-1 on a cell phone. 
  3. If someone calls 9-1-1 and doesn't speak or hangs up, emergency services must still be dispatched.

What You Need:

  • A phone.
  • A deep breath.
  • To know where you are.
What do I need to know if I have to call 9-1-1 on a cell phone?

When you call 911 in most parts of the country, emergency responders can find you -- even if you don't know where you are or can't communicate. That's because calling 911 from a land line (a telephone connected to the lines on the poles) makes a computer in the dispatch center show the number and address of the phone you're using.

Cell Phones Don't Work the Same

When you make a 911 call on a cell phone, you are sending signals through the air. The tower that picks up your phone's signal may be near, but it isn't enough to tell the dispatcher where to find you. It's like playing 'Marco Polo' in the pool - blindfolded with just sound to guide you.

The Federal Communications Commission has required that all wireless carriers be able to pinpoint your location for the 911 dispatchers, but the rule is coming in phases and there are plenty of exceptions.

Location, Location, Location

When you call 911 from a cell phone, the call often lands in a regional center. A call-taker in a far-away city or county may answer your call. To get help to you, there are two pieces of information the call-taker needs to know immediately:

  1. Tell the call-taker which city you're calling from.
  2. Tell the call-taker what type of emergency you have.

Different emergency services use different dispatch centers. With the right information, the call-taker will transfer you to the right center.

Any Phone Will Do

Wireless carriers are required to complete 911 calls, even when the phone is not activated. Any phone that turns on and can receive a signal is capable of making a 911 call.

The problem is: if the phone you're using isn't activated, there isn't a phone number assigned to it. That means if you're disconnected from the dispatch center, you must call 911 back. They will not have a way to call you.

Stay calm be clear

How do I park at Handicapped Parking Meters and Designated Handicapped Spaces?

Handicapped Parking at Meters by Handicapped Placard holders:

 According to the NJ Division of Disability Services, NJ Motor Vehicle Commission and 39:4-207-(C.39:4-207)- When parking at a metered space, a driver or passenger with a placard or handicapped license plate must put the appropriate amount of money in the meter. If the vehicle will occupy the space for more than the maximum amount that the meter holds, the driver must fill the meter to the maximum amount. This will permit the vehicle to occupy the space for up to 24 hours, and no further payment will be required during that time.


All Other Vehicles Parked in Designated Handicapped Spaces:

 39:4-138o - Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a traffic or police officer or traffic sign or signal, no operator of a vehicle shall stand or park in any space on public or private property appropriately marked for vehicles for the physically handicapped pursuant to P.L.1977, c.202 (C.39:4-197.5), P.L.1975, c.217 (C.52:27D-119 et seq.) or any other applicable law unless the vehicle is authorized by law to be parked therein and a handicapped person is either the driver or a passenger in that vehicle. State, county or municipal law enforcement officers or parking enforcement authority officers shall enforce the parking restrictions on spaces appropriately marked for vehicles for the physically handicapped on both public and private property.

How do I obtain a Temporary placard for the disabled?

You must be an Ocean City resident to apply. To obtain an application click here.

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
835 Central Avenue
Ocean City,