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A public informational meeting at the American Legion at 46th Street and West Avenue at 10 a.m. Dec. 9, 2023 will review the planned "storm abatement" project for Crook Horn Creek Nature Trail at the western end of 51st Street.

The improvements will be made possible through a $580,000 grant of federal funds for restoration of the trail that runs roughly parallel to 52nd Street. This is a competitive grant program administered by the NJ Department of Transportation (DOT).

Design engineers, Fourth Ward Councilman Dave Winslow, Mayor Jay Gillian and other city team members will be on hand.

Anybody with an interest in this project is welcome to attend. The meeting will be videotaped and posted to the city website, and the state DOT will welcome public comments.

Ocean City, New Jersey
861 Asbury Avenue
Ocean City, NJ 08226
(609) 399-6111 

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