OCBP Guarded Beaches

The Ocean City Beach Patrol has stopped guarding beaches for the 2024 season. See you in 2025!

OCBP typically guards the same beaches each season on pretty much the same timetable, contingent on staffing and weather. 

For all emergencies, call 911.

Ocean City Beach Patrol

861 Asbury Ave. Ocean City, NJ 08226 (Mailing Address Only) 

OCBP Headquarters (1st Street & Beach)  609-525-9200   Zone 1 - 1st Street & Beach 609-525-9205   Zone 2 -12th Street & Beach 609-525-9203  Zone 3 - 34th Street & Beach 609-525-9204  Zone 4 - 59th Street & Beach Station 609-525-9207  OCBP Boat Shop - 46th Street & West Avenue 609-525-9208


General Information
Lost and Found
OCPD Property Custodian
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
1st Street & The Beach
Ocean City,