Sign up for Ocean City's Emergency Notification System
The Ocean City Office of Emergency Management is the Agency that coordinates with Federal, State, local and private resources throughout the city during times of disasters and emergencies. The mission of OCOEM does not end there - in fact OCOEM 's day to day operation is vital in preparing Ocean City for whatever challenge it may face.
As we all are aware, disasters for the most part take place at the local level. It is the intent of OCOEM to assist local government in being prepared for, responding to and recovering from disasters. At the OCOEM web page we are highlighting our intent by emphasizing the planning, training and exercise design functions available. We encourage you to tour our site as well as the hot links connected to our web site.
We are attempting to make emergency management at the municipal level more community based, to assist our local community identify potential risks, to enhance the response of assisting agencies and be a point of warning and coordination for all agencies within the city.
We welcome your thoughts and feedback. We will be attempting on a regular basis to keep this page updated with current and pertinent information. The field of Emergency Management is very unique.
We are asking for your assistance in maximizing Ocean City’s ability to prepare for and in some cases prevent potential disasters. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.
Frank Donato
Ocean City Emergency Management Coordinator
Emergency Evacuation Route Map
Please call 609-399-9111 to report a downed wire. Do NOT touch or go near them.
Power Outages: Atlantic City Electric 1-800-833-7476 or ONLINE
(provides an interactive outage map)
Click HERE for Steps to Staying Safe when returning to a Flooded Home
Learn About EAS (Emergency Alert System)
Community Emergency Response Team Enrollment | FloodSmart Program | Sign up for Emergency Notification System |
Prepare for the Storm (MP3 Audio File Podcast)
Plan to Care for Pets During Disasters
Emergency Evacuation Route Map
Other Informational Links
Tide and Flood Level Predictions
Street Flooding Projection Maps (See which streets might flood at various tide levels. Note: these maps are based only on tide levels. Other factors may contribute to flooding.)
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Awareness Presentation
Post Disaster Recovery
Weather Links
Emergency Management
Anti-Terrorism Links