What Does El Niño Mean to You and Your Community This Spring?

What Does El Niño Mean to You and Your Community This Spring?
You may associate El Niño with increased rain in California and areas in the Southwest. However, you may not realize that strong El Niño conditions can cause unpredictable weather across the United States. Although weather experts hesitate to attribute specific extreme weather events solely to El Niño, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is warning residents from coast to coast to expect higher-than-average precipitation for the next few months.
All it takes is one storm to cause a flood, and just a few inches of water can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Without flood insurance, residents could be left paying for the damage out of pocket since homeowners, renters, and business policies typically don’t cover flood damage. Don’t wait until hurricane season to encourage residents to protect what matters, because it’s not just a house—it’s their home.
Talk to Residents about Flood Insurance:
Flood insurance may not prevent a flood, but it can help homeowners get back on their feet in the event of a flood. A flood insurance policy will give them peace of mind knowing that they are covered if the unexpected happens. Provide them with the right information to protect their investment.
To educate residents in your community about their flood risk and financial preparedness,
Flood insurance may not prevent a flood, but it can help homeowners get back on their feet in the event of a flood. A flood insurance policy will give them peace of mind knowing that they are covered if the unexpected happens. Provide them with the right information to protect their investment.
To educate residents in your community about their flood risk and financial preparedness,
FloodSmart—the marketing and education campaign of the National Flood Insurance Program—offers several tools and resources on
FloodSmart.gov that you can use, including:

  • The to provide an estimation of a property’s flood risk and direct residents to local insurance agents, who can provide additional information on a flood insurance policy.
  • The which you can embed on your website to illustrate how just a few inches of water, can cost tens of thousands of dollars in damage.
  • Consumer and checklists to help residents prepare before the next disaster strikes.
  • Seasonal that you can share through your own Facebook and Twitter platforms to educate residents.
  • Marketing that review FloodSmart’s tools and resources and how to use them in your outreach efforts.

This spring El Niño brings an increased risk of flooding to your area. Now is the time to reach out to residents to help them better understand their flood risk, and encourage them to protect what matters with a flood insurance policy. Visit FloodSmart.gov/partners to learn more.