Please visit our new page at for complete information on how to purchase Ocean City beach tags.
Beach tags are required for all beachgoers ages 12 and older and will be in effect from June 7, 2025 through September 1, 2025.
Only seasonal beach tags can be purchased at this time. Weekly ($20) and daily ($10) tags will be available for purchase during the season.
Seasonal tags can be purchased online at .
Purchase in person at the following locations:
For additional information, visit or call 609-399-6111.
Military Tags: Free seasonal tags are available to veterans and active military members. These tags are now available for pickup at City Hall (Ninth Street entrance at 861 Asbury Avenue), the Roy Gillian Welcome Center (on the Rt. 52 causeway) and the 46th Street Welcome Center (46th Street and West Avenue).
Remember to have proper military identification to receive your free tag(s). Veterans receive free tags (veteran only) and must show veteran ID or veteran status on driver’s license. Active military members, spouses and immediate children up to age 23 also are eligible to receive free tags (must show military ID, spouse ID and children). If you have received a tag in the past, only a driver’s license is needed.